MIS Review: An International Journal
MISR E-ISSN:2218-3450 / ISSN:1018-1393 / GPN: 2007800019
| Current Issue | Journal Archive
Volume 2
  1. 整合性專家決策支援系統之觀念架構與作業流程
  2. 智慧型決策支援系統模式之研究
  3. 實現管理資訊系統之兩階段架構
  4. 綜合所得稅申報諮詢專家系統
  5. A Hybrid Production Scheduling System Shell
  6. Stroing Ssu-K'u Ch'uan-Shu on Optical Discs
  7. 貿易商的電腦化管理 MIS的第一步
  8. 實驗性辦公室自動化系統


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COPYRIGHT BY Department of Management Information Systems, National Chengchi University 
In partnership with Airiti Publishers since 2009